Category: Events

Study Day Postal Registrations!

If anybody has posted anything relating to the Study Day to Mark Sweeney at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, then please do drop us an email asap.  There has been a problem with post, which may have been returned to sender.  Unfortunately this may include registration forms and/or cheques sent by post.  If you can email us before Monday to let us know, we would be most grateful.  For this reason, there will be no confirmations for anybody who attempted to register by post.

Apologies for any inconvenience, and we do hope that you’ll still be able to make it on Monday.

Registration Confirmations

Registration has now closed for the Study Day on Monday 16th.

Thank you to everyone who has registered.  Those people who registered online should have received an email from us to confirm that we have their registration details.  If you have *not* got your email and filled in the online registration form, then please email us asap. (

Due to an unforeseen logistical problem, we will be unable to send email confirmations to those people who printed and posted their registration forms for another day or so.  Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience, we will be in touch shortly!

Registration Confirmation

A quick message for all those who have already registered: we will be sending out confirmation of your registration details and your payment on the 11th of April–the day after the registration deadline.  Apologies for not being able to do them sooner, but there are a great many to get through so we’ve opted not to do them on an ad hoc basis.  If you do not receive an email from us on that day confirming your details then we have not received it and you should get in touch by email (

Looking forward to meeting you all on the 16th!