Queer Game Audio: An Opportunity for Initial Conversations and Discussions

There are a number of academics and practitioners who are currently working on topics related to game sound/music and queer themes (to greater or lesser extents).

This is an open invitation for a one-hour meeting to discuss whether there would be appetite for events, networks, workshops (etc.) related to this theme, and if so, what might be most useful. Some proposed ideas have included workshops on queer methods, opportunities to share work in progress, or roundtable/dialogues.

All working on, or with an interest in, this topic, are welcome to attend.
It will be held on Tuesday 6th June at 4:30pm London time via video conferencing.

If you have an interest in this topic but cannot make the meeting, please let us know. We can receive suggestions by email, and/or keep you updated about outcomes.

To register, email tim.summers [at] rhul.ac.uk with your name.