We are now accepting proposals for Ludo2020 , the Ninth European Conference on Video Game Music and Sound, taking place at the University of Malta, April 24th-25th next year.
Please share our Call for Papers poster online and around your institutions.
We welcome proposals on all aspects of sound and music in games.
This year, we are particularly interested in papers that support the conference theme of ‘Participation, Performance, and the Body’. Papers on this topic may include:
- Representations of the body through sound and music in games
- Performance of gender/sexuality and game sound
- Physical interactivity with music and games
- Dance and drama as lenses for conceptualizing game audio
- Voice and game sound
- Game music and accessibility
Presentations should last twenty minutes and will be followed by questions. Please submit your paper proposal (c.250 words) with a short provisional bibliography by email to ludomusicology@gmail.com by January 6th 2020. We aim to communicate the programme decisions by January 20th 2020. If you require more information, please email the organizers.
We encourage practitioners and composers to submit proposals for showcasing practice as research.
The conference will feature as a keynote speaker:
Prof. Hillegonda Rietveld, Professor of Sonic Culture at London South Bank University, musician and electronic music specialist, co-editor of the special issue ‘Hear the Music, Play the Game’ for GAME.
And more to be announced…
Hosted by Costantino Oliva, Institute of Digital Games, University of Malta.
Organized by Melanie Fritsch, Michiel Kamp, Tim Summers & Mark Sweeney.