
The prelimininary programme for the conference is as follows, but is subject to change:

Day 1, Friday 12th April

9:30am. Session One: Music History

  1. Tim Summers, ‘Wagner, Kant and a Metaphysical Rubber Chicken: Perception and Interaction in Adventure Games’
  2. Keith Hennigan, ‘The Use of “Classical” Music in Final Fantasy
  3. Kyle Roderick, ‘Mass Historia: rewriting (music) history in Civilization IV
  4. Joshua Rayman, ‘Composition using virtual instruments and aleatoric principles in video games’

11:30am. Coffee

12pm. Keynote: Mark Grimshaw *via Skype

1pm. Lunch

2:30pm. Session Two: Musical Meaning

  1. Joseph Jones, ‘Musical Authenticity and/or Exoticism? Non-Western Instruments in the Game Scores of Bear McCreary’ *via Skype
  2. Berrak Nil Boya, ‘Influence of Science-Fiction Film Scores in Video Games: Musical Transformation and Symbolism in Mass Effect Trilogy’
  3. Kevin Donnelly, Videogame Music, “Audiovisuality” and Medium Specificity
  4. Iain Hart, ‘Meaningful play: A performative analysis of video game music’

4pm. Tea

4:30pm. Session Three: Ludomusicology

  1. Gaute Andersen, ‘What Might a Meeting of Ludomusicology and Gender Studies Entail?’
  2. Geert Bruinsma, ‘Ludorhizomusicosmology: The Interactive Sonic Territory Between Player and Game’
  3. Ross Aspden, ‘Considering the cultural significance of the radio in the Grand Theft Auto videogame series’

6pm. Finish


Day 2, Saturday 13th April

9am. Session Four: Composition

  1. Marios Aristopoulos, ‘Composing orchestral music with generative forms for the Action-RPG video game Apotheon
  2. Stephen Baysted, ‘Ferraris vs Zombies: an exploration of the technical, mechanical and musical challenges of contemporary games composition’
  3. Richard Stevens, ‘Not creepy music, but music for creeping : The challenges of stealth for video game audio’

10:30am. Coffee

11am. Session Five: Soundscapes

  1. Hannah Mowat, ‘Living in another age: gameplay soundscapes and the body in Agnès Varda’s moving images’
  2. Jonathan Herrick, ‘Spatiotemporal Relationships in Videogame Soundtracks: Challenges to Existing Notions of Diegesis’

12pm. Keynote 2: William Gibbons

1pm. Lunch

2:30pm. Session Six: Industry

Interview with Stephen Baysted

Q&A with Richard Aitken, Nimrod Productions

This session will be broadcast live here. Please send in your questions before and during the event by email, twitter (#ludo13) or Facebook.

4pm. Tea

4:30pm. Session Seven: Reception

  1. James Barnaby, ‘The Reception of Repetitive Audio in Videogames’
  2. Isabella van Elferen, ‘Musical Dark Descents: Sonic Immersion in Psychological Horror Games’
  3. Elizabeth Medina-Gray, ‘Modularity and Dynamic Play: Video Game Music and its Avant-garde Antecedents’
  4. Michiel Kamp, ‘Background music in video games: a phenomenological approach’

6pm. Finish

Unfortunately, Mark Grimshaw is unable to join us in Liverpool due to another commitment in South Africa. However, we have arranged for him to deliver his keynote remotely, live on Friday.