AHRC Videogame Research Networks

ahrc-logo-forwebAs many in the UK will no doubt be aware, the AHRC recently released a press release entitled ‘Game changing research networks for the Video game industry’. The research council is now supporting six new research networks dedicated to videogames, including Guitar Heroes in Music Education? Music-based video-games and their potential for musical and performative creativity, led by David Roesner at the University of Kent. The press release states that:

The network seeks to investigate the impact of music-games on how we define music-making, creativity and identity and what opportunities this provides for artist and teachers. In order to do so, the network will connect relevant arts and humanities academics with both game designers and musicians, who have embraced the soft- and hardwares of gaming for creating new ways of composing and performing. The network also seeks to explore the creative potential and influence these games will have on future game design and how these could be implemented in music education.

This is unquestionably an excellent sign for the development of the field, and we look forward to seeing the fruits of their labour.

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