Category: Publications

The Players’ Score – A Video Game Music Documentary

The Players Score
The Players’ Score – A Video Game Music Documentary by Kory Caldwell
We are pleased to draw your attention to Kory Caldwell’s video game music documentary which yesterday succeeded in raising funds on Kickstarter. For more details, please refer to the original press release: The Players’ Score A Videogame Music Documentary: Explores Game Music Culture.

Ludo 2014 Details

We are pleased to announce further details of our programme for the Ludo 2014 Chichester conference.


Intellect have agreed to produce a proceedings special issue of The Soundtrack with selected papers from the conference. They have also been very generous in sponsoring our drinks reception!

Industry Session

We are particularly excited that Richard Jacques and James Hannigan will be discussing their work in a Q&A session.

  • Richard Jacques, composer of James Bond 007: Blood Stone (Activision), Mass Effect (BioWare), Alice in Wonderland (Disney), Headhunter (Amuze/Sega) and Starship Troopers (Empire/Sony Pictures).
  • James Hannigan, composer of games from the Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Command & Conquer, Wing Commander, Warhammer and Dead Space franchises.


We have arranged discounts with The Ship Hotel for conference delegates (subject to availability). There will be alternatives available too. Further details on how to book will be made available on the registration pages in the coming days.


Registration will open shortly; thank you for your patience and we look forward to welcoming you to Chichester!

Ludo 2014 Keynote: William Cheng

We are very excited to announce that the second keynote address at Ludo 2014 will be given by William Cheng, of Harvard University. Will’s most familiar ludomusicological work to-date is his ethnography, “Role-Playing toward a Virtual Musical Democracy in The Lord of the Rings Online,” Ethnomusicology 56:1 (2012), 31-62. His first book, Sound Play: Video Games and the Musical Imagination, is expected from Oxford University Press just weeks before the conference date.

Sound.Music.Image research centre: Call for papers

The University of Huddersfield through its Divergence Press Journal and the Centre for Research in New Music, CeReNeM, announces a call for papers and practice-led reports on areas related to its new Sound•Music•Image research centre (SMI/rc). Subjects include audiovisual composition, audiovisual performance, videogame music, film music and music for moving image interactive or fixed, sound design, etc.

The deadline for the next issue is 31 August 2013.

For more information, visit